HEN I SERVED as Master of Ceremonies in the 1990s, I got the PAX (“Kiss of Peace”) and gave it to the Thurifer. Years later, a priest told me this was a liturgical abuse. In his famous ceremonies book, Fr. Adrian Fortescue (page 105) says Thurifer and Master of Ceremonies do receive the PAX—but this was 100 years ago, so there’s a real question whether he assumes those people will be clerics.
In this FSSP video, the M.C. and Thurifer do receive the PAX. However, they are also clerics—so this might muddy the question:
For centuries, the Kiss of Peace has ceased to be an actual kiss. Fortescue describes it thus:
The kiss of peace at Mass is given in this way. The two persons stand facing each other with hands joined. The one who is to receive the kiss bows. Then the one who gives it lays his hands on the shoulders of the other; the receiver puts his arms under those of him who gives it. Both bow the head over the left shoulder of the other. The one who gives the kiss says “Pax tecum.” The other answers “Et cum spiritu tuo.” Then they stand again with folded hands facing each other, and both bow.
When it comes to Italian liturgical terms, I love what Fortescue says here:

By the way, the “Agnus Dei” in the video was sung by the 2017 Sacred Music Symposium.