HAT WE REFER TO as “progress” is not always true progress. For example, the creation of television—where producers supply all the sights and sounds—has led to a society incapable of listening carefully. We no longer appreciate beautiful language or powerful sermons, and the fact that we don’t close our eyes and listen has harmed our imaginations. How sad we no longer make believe!
Many churches are installing “movie screens” into church, for people to follow the liturgy. This will fail, just as the “YouTube news” effort failed. People like to read (or skim) at their own pace, and that’s why missals and booklets are so wonderful for prayer.
Here’s a page from a booklet I produced ten years ago, for my wedding:

I think you’ll agree the booklet I created for last year’s Sacred Music Symposium is more professional, although far from perfect:
* * PDF Download • 2016 SYMPOSIUM BOOKLET (47 pages)
The wedding booklet I mentioned contained sketches of the Mass expertly drawn by my mother. Getting the Solemn Pontifical Mass just right required research:

Each person was sketched “true to life.” For example, the Deacon has a tonsure and hood, because he’s Franciscan. My father and uncle served as Acolytes, so one Acolyte (shown on the right) was drawn with a beard because my uncle has a beard in real life, as this photograph from the 2007 wedding shows. 1
I hope to improve when it comes to making Mass booklets, because I believe this is what Vatican II wanted: helping Catholics enter more deeply into the sacrifice of the Mass. May I share with you a secret? The best way to make booklets is to just start making them. With each booklet you create, you’ll get better and better.
I scanned into PDF seven sketches I was able to locate.
1 Many have asked why I always wear the Filipino “Barong Tagalog” when I conduct. I do this because I was so impressed seeing all the members of my wife’s family dressed in the Barong. Here’s my wife’s brother at the wedding: very impressive, no?