E HAVE OFTEN EMPHASIZED the dangers of “legal positivism.” We have also reluctantly pointed out that there is “no salvation from decrees.” This is not very hard to understand. Consider how singing the Pater Noster with the priest was absolutely forbidden (in a High Mass) in 1962, but five years later, Musicam Sacram declared: “The Lord’s Prayer is best performed by the people together with the priest.” What had changed in those five years? And thousands more examples could cited. Please note that I would never deny the pope had the authority to enact liturgical changes. I’m merely pointing out that our Lord never promised every liturgical change would be prudent. A book of liturgical post-conciliar legislation is 1,496 pages long, and no sane person would contend that all those rules are helpful—especially the contradictory ones!
In any event, I stumbled onto this video with church music quotes—produced by Six Candle Studios—which some will find thought-provoking:
Not every reader will agree with every statement made in this video. But that just makes life more fun, right?