ERY SOON, Watershed will release a special project dealing with the NOH, which I believe our readers will love. Ever since we scanned and uploaded the NOH in 2008, many have come to love it. Not as many, however, realize that Flor Peeters wrote a brilliant method book explaining the NOH principles. 1
The method book by Flor Peeters is available in two editions at the St. Jean de Lalande Online Library. Therein he describes the harmonies chosen for the NOH. Here’s Kyrie VIII harmonized by Peeters himself, with Solesmes rhythmic markings in yellow:
* * PDF • KYRIE VIII with Solesmes markings
Thirteen (13) more organ accompaniments for the complete Missa de angelis can be downloaded here. Flor Peeters also gives examples of the different ways one can accompany plainsong. For instance, here’s an “alternate” Kyrie VIII he recommends for excellent cantors:

By the way, I mentioned how the score above has Solesmes markings. For the record, almost all of the Kyriale—about 99% of it—matches the “pure” Editio Vaticana rhythm. 2 (This cannot be said about the Graduale or Antiphonale.)
If you appreciate the rare books offered in the Lalande Library—such as the NOH and the Flor Peeters method book—please consider donating $5.00 per month. Corpus Christi Watershed is a 100% volunteer organization; none of us is paid.
1 The NOH was a creation by “three generations.” In other words, it involved Msgr. Jules Vyverman, who studied with Flor Peeters. And it involved Flor Peeters, who studied with Msgr. Jules Van Nuffel. And it involved Msgr. Jules Van Nuffel.
2 An exception would be the KYRIE melisma in Mass V.