IGHT PRAYER OR COMPLINE makes a beautiful end to the day, invoking special blessings for the night as well as a reminder for a daily examination of conscience.
It’s also one of the simplest hours of the Divine Office or Liturgy of the Hours. You can imagine people tended to keep things simple at the end of a long day when it might be hard to keep one’s eyes open. Another reason may be that it could be prayed from memory in the dark.
Last week, browsing through repositories on Github, I stumbled across a beautiful rendering of Compline from the maker of the GABC Transcription Tool.
* * Compline thanks to Benjamin Bloomfield
I’m looking forward to sifting through the source code and seeing just how he manages to render the square notes and dynamically adjust linebreaks depending on the size of the browser window.
At home we rely on printed booklets to sing Compline together. These are also available at compline.brandt.id.au. Having the translation helps, though I’m not sure how one might add it to the browser based compline above without spoiling the layout. A universal familiarity with Latin would make liturgical booklet printing so much easier!