EVIN ALLEN’S magnificent collection for three voices—Soprano, Alto, Bass—can now be purchased directly from Amazon, and we have greatly reduced the price. Depending on how the psalm verses are sung (which is a decision left to each choirmaster) these pieces can be as long or short as necessary to match the liturgical action. If your choir has more females than males, this collection will thrill you—because all the pieces are written for SAB!
* MATRI DIVINAE GRATIAE • Purchase this book!
$8.99 per copy • Eligible for Amazon Prime! • 44 pages.
Click here to download a sample page.
Contemporary Harmonies: Composer Kevin Allen has produced a true masterpiece, make no mistake about it. Some of these pieces are somber and stately. An example would be “Aufer A Me,” and observe how each voice enters on a different scale degree—a superb touch! One way to find out whether a composition is excellent is to take away one or more voices and examine the result. Mr. Allen’s creation certainly passes that test with flying colors, as you can see by listening to a version missing one voice (i.e. with one voice removed). The result is both interesting and pleasing. This is contemporary music, so the “RRR” (Rigid Renaissance Rules) are not followed…yet each voice is eminently singable—an absolute joy!

Rehearsal videos for each individual voice:
“Aufer A Me” • SOPRANO • ALTO • BASS
Small Groups: Some of the pieces are extremely bright—and the following example demonstrates that—and they are very “tuneful” or “catchy.” Once these pieces get into your head, they won’t leave! And that’s okay, because the sacred liturgy is supposed to be something in which we take delight. They sound very good sung by even a handful of singers. Below is a live recording from our 9:00am Sunday Mass—which is sung by a very small group of singers:

Large Groups: On the other hand, these piece sound absolutely spectacular when they are sung by a large group of singers. By the way, in terms of the layout (which includes solfège markings), few books compare in elegance to Matri Divinae Gratiae. Below is live recording from our 11:00am Sunday Mass—which is sung by a large group of volunteer singers:

Rehearsal videos for each individual voice:
“Quam Dilecta” • SOPRANO • ALTO • BASS
Si Ambulavero: The following rehearsal videos (for each individual voice) were created by Jeff Ostrowski to help volunteer choirs master these pieces:

Rehearsal videos for each individual voice:
“Si Ambulavero” • SOPRANO • ALTO • BASS
And here’s a live recording by a volunteer choir:

Justorum Animae: The following rehearsal videos (for each individual voice) were created by Jeff Ostrowski to help volunteer choirs master these pieces:
ALTO : YouTube
BASS : YouTube
* Mp3 Excerpt • “JUSTORUM ANIMAE”
—This comes from “Matri Divinæ Gratiæ,” a collection by composer Kevin Allen.
* Mp3 Download • “Justórum ánimae” (Live Rec.)
—This comes from “Matri Divinæ Gratiæ,” a collection by composer Kevin Allen.
Memento Verbi:
ALTO : YouTube
BASS : YouTube
This 44-page collection contains:
1. QUAM DILECTA |+ Psalm verses
2. JUSTORUM ANIMAE |+ Psalm verses
3. ERIPE ME |+ Psalm verses
4. SI AMBULAVERO |+ Psalm verses
5. MEMENTO VERBI |+ Psalm verses
6. AUFER A ME + Psalm verses
Supporting The Composer: This collection was commissioned by CORPUS CHRISTI WATERSHED and published in September of 2016. In accordance with our customs, all proceeds which exceed production costs (printing, shipping, and so forth) go directly to the Catholic artist, who maintains copyright. Therefore, when you purchase these books, you are directly supporting Roman Catholic artists who produce works for the Church. We are a 100% volunteer organization.
Complete Title: Matri Divinae Gratiae, Opus Mariae Dedicatum