NE OF THE THINGS you learn as choirmaster is that doing easy music well is better than performing complicated music poorly. That’s why I think our readers will find the following book of organ accompaniments helpful. Close to a decade ago, this book was posted in the Lalande Library, which you should explore when you have time. Most of the books found there came from my personal collection, but this particular book came from the generous heart of MR. TED KRASNICKI.
It’s a groovy little book from 1937 that can be “tossed” in front of an amateur organist:
* * PDF Download • 1937 SIMPLE KYRIALE
Here’s a sample page:

When I want to scare my (excellent) organist, I threaten her: “I can play that one, if you like.” While it’s true that I do a decent job as organist if I practice in advance, I hardly ever have time. Remember: an organist must not only play all the correct notes—the registration must also be correct! And correct registration depends on many different factors.