E ARE BLESSED WITH a fantastic volunteer choir at our FSSP apostolate in Los Angeles. In less than two years, we’ve come so far—and I think you’ll agree we’re on the right path! Remember that many of these good folks had never sung in a choir until recently. Each week we sound a little better, and we hope to show Los Angeles that volunteer choirs can do authentic sacred music at Mass.
The microphone wasn’t placed correctly, so these recordings don’t accurately represent the beautiful choral sounds from last night—but they give a rough idea:
* * “Live” Mp3 • GRADUAL & ALLELUIA
Our members didn’t allow nerves to get the better of them—even though the church was overflowing with people for last night’s special pontifical:

Attendance was pretty amazing, considering how hot it was yesterday. Temperatures here in Los Angeles have been quite high lately—and multiply that times two to know the heat level in the choir loft!
A discussion about this post is underway.