THIS WAS SENT to my email inbox—can anyone verify its authenticity?

I’m not sure whether this is a hoax—one must exercise caution on the internet. If you can help solve this mystery, please use the Facebook comment section.
The text itself seems to be based on the Gospel of John, which is called the “Eucharistic Gospel” because of its sixth chapter.
UPDATE at 11:30am 3/13/2016 :
Many of the people commenting on Facebook agree with me that this is probably a hoax.
Some have suggested that my posting this—in an effort to determine the truth—constitutes “defamation.” However, it’s difficult for me to understand how attempting to determine the truth about something could be defamation.
If this is a hoax—and it seems likely it is—I’m at a loss to know why somebody went through the process of creating such a hoax; what did they gain?
UPDATE at 11:24am 3/17/2016 :
On the CCW facebook, Steven Ottományi posted the following on 15 March at 10:40am:
I have just spoken with Sr. Suzanne Toolan on the phone. She has confirmed that at no time was any text considered, other than the two selections from John (chapters 6 and 11).
In other words, according to this phone call, Toolan confirms our suspicions that this is a hoax.