CASE YOU ARE INTERESTED, I thought I would post my entire set of lesson plans I use for training our Probationers, who are generally children in the 3rd and 4th grade with very little (if any) musical training:
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I am leaving the lessons exactly as they are simply because I don’t have enough time to go through and clean them up right now. Also know that I always plan for more than I have time, so I don’t always get to everything in one lesson. I work with the Probationers for an entire year, so I have plenty of time to extend a lesson over two weeks, focus on music for the Christmas program or make allowance for any number of interruptions that might befall us. For the most part, you should be able to follow them, but if you have questions, please feel free to email me.
On another note, Jeff told me I should share the good news with everyone that my wife and I are expecting our third child, a girl, in the next week-and-a-half. Any prayers you would like to offer up for my wife, the baby and a safe and easy delivery would be greatly appreciated.