IRST, A WORD ABOUT the title of this post. We’ve tried more subtle ways to ask for money—but they never work. We hate asking for money, and especially with a title that makes us sound desperate. We are not desperate, because God always provides. However, we require more donors willing to give $5.00 per month. Can you help?
* * Help Us Continue Our Work • Pledge $5.00 per month
Please help us introduce to more people the beauty of sacred music. How can anyone hear an antiphon—such as the following—and not agree it’s utterly sublime?
Please help us upload more rare books—such as 1934 Antiphonale—one of hundreds which would not otherwise be available, except for Watershed.
Please help us make practice videos, like this one, for my favorite chant: GAUDEAMUS. 1
Please help us continue. We hear from Catholic musicians throughout the entire world who appreciate our ministry! Here’s an excerpt from a recent message:
HAVE TO THANK YOU for all your diligence, sacrifice, and hard work to help musicians, such as myself. Corpus Christi Watershed has been extremely helpful and has brought so much solace and support, knowing there is someone out there that understands what I’m going through. God bless and may the angels protect you always.
We are a 100% volunteer organization. None of us receives any salary.
1 Cristóbal de Morales must have liked this piece too, because he used it underneath a piece with a remarkable history, centering on the Truce of Nice in 1538. Here’s a recording, and here’s the score. Do you hear the Gaudeamus underneath? The composition has a fascinating history, and Morales would later write an entire Mass based on this Motet.