OU’LL DEFINITELY WANT to visit and bookmark Soli Deo Gloria Lasercraft. The site’s creator, John McCarthy, is a retired US Coast Guard officer and combat veteran who is also a master woodworker. John has transformed the artwork I’ve been posting from the JOGUES MISSAL into magnificent etchings. Please browse his available pieces—each of them handmade—or click here to discover a whole bunch more information. Here’s an excerpt:
Creating these quality laser etchings involves a number of diverse processes including: design, computer graphics, laser production, machine and hand surface preparation, coating and finishing. The etchings are made of top-grade, 3/8 inch Baltic Birch plywood to ensure the finished product remains free from cracking, checking, or warping over time. Once the extensive laser design and cutting processes are complete, each etching is hand-finished and detailed using traditional wood-working and finishing techniques. A range of finishes are available including the traditional bright white printers ink, a golden “amber” varnish, and natural wood. All edges are carefully filled and layered to an elegant finish.
The wood carving I received is quite impressive:
John McCarthy’s services include:
—Personalized gifts for all occasions (weddings, anniversaries, ordinations, first-communions, confirmations, and so on)|
—Custom designs, images, materials, and finishes|
—Addition of names, dates, greetings, special verses, or prayers|
—Spanish language versions
While I cannot comment on pieces I’ve not seen, I suspect the artwork which avoids extremely intricate designs will turn out as nice as the one shown above. The following examples look splendid:
It is my understanding that all his new designs have a lovely edge, like this:

John McCarthy can be contacted directly via email.