E HAVE BEEN SINGING singing psalm tones in Mode 1 for the offertories, such as this one (for this coming Sunday). I would like to collect as many different organ introductions as possible. Can you compose one for me? It should last about 35 seconds.
If I were to write one, I’d probably place the melody in the Tenor, then move it to the Bass in augmentation, then end with it in the Soprano. (We begin the psalm tone on “F” so the first three notes are F-G-A.) The melody of the psalm tone must be quite obvious, so the singers can hear it easily. The whole purpose is to find a more artistic way of giving the correct pitches to the singers. Please email me your submission—thank you!
By the way, here’s a beautiful improvisation someone did at the Colloquium:
* * Organ Improvisation • CMAA Colloquium 2009
It’s based on the Alleluia for the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was the Mass of the day—and I just love it!