WHEN A CHILD IS TAKEN by his parents to Disneyland, he shouldn’t spend the entire time asking, “Are we having fun yet?” If he does that, he’ll never have any fun! He ought to focus on having fun, not wondering whether fun is being had.
We recently posted several brilliant video excerpts of Rev. Robert Skeris on EWTN, who mentioned the 1960s “liturgical commentator.” If you don’t know what that is, don’t worry—they didn’t last very long. In any event, the words of Fr. Skeris were brought to mind when I stumbled upon this 1964 book written under the guidance of Msgr. Frederick R. McManus:

Can you imagine a liturgical commentator standing at the front of Church declaring something like that?
“Alert the people to their responsibility of being actively united with Christ.”
It’s like saying: “Ready to feel interior love for Christ? Three … Two … One … Go!”