E HAVE TALKED quite a lot about the decisions of Pope Pius XII regarding the Liturgy. We’ve talked about some of the bizarre permissions in his 1958 document, pointing out that he was quite ill when this was promulgated (and would die shortly thereafter). We’ve discussed the Holy Week revisions under Pius XII, which were much more significant than I had previously realized. We’ve also talked about the “liturgical commentator”—a concept which filled Msgr. Francis P. Schmitt with horror—and noted that this didn’t seem to “catch on” in most places.
Allow me to share two fascinating videos from Australia. Throughout the course of both videos, explanations are given on the screen. From what I can tell, the explanations are not always 100% accurate. For example, they don’t explain—or give justification for—the children reciting the Creed in English:
These were produced by Fr. Don Richardson, whose email address is given during those videos.