I discovered some beautiful words by Father Christopher Smith, who was recently featured in The Catholic World Report. Here’s an excerpt:
N THE NARTHEX you will find a sample copy of the new Saint Isaac Jogues Missal. This beautiful pew missal will allow you follow all of the prayers and readings for the Ordinary Form in English, in a beautiful hardback edition that will be with us for many years to come.
Why am I excited about this Missal? Well, every year we spend about $4,000 on those paperback missalettes. We have looked into all kinds of different options, and have found very few that were not expensive, wasteful and unattractive. Every time a new edition of the missalette comes around, we have to throw all of that money and energy into the trash. And some of our parishioners have rightly complained that the missalette is really hard to read.
Here are some images of the Jogues Illuminated Missal :