OMETIMES I LOSE TRACK of what day it is. More frequently, I lose track of what week it is. Because I am constantly working ahead with liturgical preparation, practice, and rehearsal, it is easy to be focused on a completely different week than I am currently living. For example, I have been focused on Lent since the Christmas season, and my choir has even been working on a few of our more difficult Easter pieces for over a month.
For this reason, it’s easy to look past the season you are living in, forgetting that you, too, can benefit from it. This most often happens, for me, in Advent and Lent. I am so focused on Christmas and Easter that I forget that I need spiritual growth in the season, as well.
This Lent, take a moment and remind yourself that just because you work for the Church doesn’t mean you don’t need her graces, too. You have to intentionally make time to live your own faith, and it will pay off with everyone around you.
I hope you have a most edifying Lent, one that strengthens your faith, purges your weakness, and makes you ready to celebrate the joys of Easter. Please keep your fellow music directors, and me, in your prayers as we do our best to make the liturgy beautiful for the edification of all the faithful.