O YOU KNOW any interesting Catholic websites? Please feel free to use the “Contact Us” link at the top of the page, sending us an email so we can share your link below. Make sure to include a short explanatory paragraph.
Please Note: Corpus Christi Watershed does not necessarily endorse the content of the following websites. We apologize, but we’re not able to link to every website sent to us.
Orbis Catholicus Secundus • A beautiful website maintained by John Sonnen, a former parishioner of St. Agnes, where Msgr. Richard J. Schuler used to be pastor +
Catholic Education Resource Center • This website reprints (with permission) some of the very best Catholic articles. Like Watershed, they seek “truth, goodness, and beauty.” Their advisors include James Hitchcock, Karl Keating, Peter Kreeft, Janet Smith, Wesley J. Smith, Alice von Hildebrand, and more +
Truth and Charity • A new website, started in 2012. Authors include Fr. Scott Hastings, Andrew Sciba, Tim Shaughnessy, Mary Walker, and more +
Antiphon Journal • Sponsored by the Society for Catholic Liturgy, their board includes Carmina Magnusen Chapp, Jane Errera, Jennifer Donelson, Denis McNamara, and more. The current editor is Fr. Uwe Michael Lang. +
Newman Connection • This non-profit organization helps Catholic college students keep their faith. Their board includes Mr. William Zerrusen, Msgr. Gregory Ketcham, Fr. Anthony Stephens, and more +