OREAN FOOD is delicious, and one of my favorite dishes is called bulgogi. I just love it. However, if you feed it to a newborn baby, the baby might die. You see, God designed babies a certain way. Their stomachs can only accept certain types of food.
Almighty God provided for babies by giving them mothers who produce the only food babies can digest. However, during the second half of the 20th century, doctors thought they were smarter than God. They no longer promoted or taught breastfeeding to mothers. My mother breastfed all five children and for doing this she was considered a lunatic, a loon, a freak. Of course, nowadays, breastfeeding is “back in style,” and as a father of two children, I can testify that doctors these days are extremely aggressive in its promotion (and so is the state of Texas).
WE NORMALLY USE the word piccoluomini when we refer to those who destroyed the liturgy. However, the doctors who thought they were smarter than God seem to have had a little bit of piccoluomini in them. It’s like St. Paul says, “Thinking themselves to become wise, they became as fools.” Speaking of the piccoluomini, here’s a two-page article by Msgr. Schuler worth reading:
* * “Reform of the Reform” — Msgr. Schuler (1996)
Monsignor Richard J. Schuler was a true son of the Church, and promoted the Conciliar reforms with his whole heart. However, toward the end of his life, he openly admitted that many reforms were not done according to what the Council ordered. After all, the very first document of the Council said:
“There must be no innovations unless the good of the Church genuinely and certainly requires them; and care must be taken that any new forms adopted should in some way grow organically from forms already existing.” [Sacrosanctum Concilium, §23]
Reading that article, above, one can only agree with Msgr. Schuler: Reform the reform!