T LAST THE HOUSE IS QUIET. There are a few hours at the end of a Saturday to write a post for the beginning of the same Saturday half way across the world. I wish there were more occasions I could leave things 10 hours too late and still get them in on time!
But apart from living on the other side of the date line, how do we make time for all the good things there are to do? There are obvious things, like avoiding time-eaters: television and facebook spring to mind. Prioritizing tasks. Just doing what needs to be done and skipping over as much of the rest as you can safely get away with.
But sometimes it helps to do more. I mean more than the bare-bone necessities. Being generous can make it easier to meet the tasks.
Viktor Frankl finds that happiness does not depend on having what you want, but finding meaning in your situation. He talks about cases where a crippling accident can make people happier in the long run, not that you need suffering to be happy, but that comfort alone does not produce happiness. When we drop our quest to be comfortable, then the adventure begins.
The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness. — Pope Benedict XVI.
I have two choirs each singing Mass once a month at different parishes. One likes psalm tones, Paul IV’s Jubilate Deo booklet and having music in a folder in the order it is sung. The other sings from the Liber Usualis, plus polyphony when possible and likes to try different Mass settings. There is a big difference in ability between the two, I grant you that, but also a big difference in how easy it is to put in the preparation for each one. And you can guess which one my sons like to join in with.
And hopefully now I’ll go snooze like that tiger cub while the other half of the world awakes.