From a 1976 article by Colin Mawby, formerly Master of Music at Westminster Cathedral:
T IS INTERESTING to compare these statements with the following quotation from an article in Notitiae (December 1970) by Father (now Archbishop) A. Bugnini, secretary of the Congregation for the Divine Cult and one of the chief architects of the recent reform. Describing the canonization of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales, he wrote of the plainchant Alleluia sung by the boys of the Westminster Cathedral Choir: “The triple Alleluia powerfully sung by all, wonderfully framed the chaste melody of the versicle Nisi granum frumenti sunt, performed in a manner quite perfect and, I would say, angelic by the choirboys of the schola. Thus we heard under the vaults of the Vatican Basilica chant in its ever stimulating freshness.”
It may well be unusual to find the names of Jacques Maritain and Evelyn Waugh on the same petition, but it is even more unusual to find Archbishop Bugnini and the late Evelyn Waugh in unspoken agreement on any aspect of liturgy.