ATHOLIC MEN who grew up in the 1960s probably remember struggling to memorize the Confiteor and dreaded Suscipiat so they could serve at the Altar. There were also complex rubrics which required diligent rehearsal (“complex” as far as a young boy is concerned). If you’re reading this article, can you remember those days?
If you answered “yes,” then I have a question for you. What was it like when the Novus Ordo Mass was introduced? Perhaps the priest approached you and said, “Listen, buddy, all the rubrics have been simplified. You don’t need to kneel at the Altar steps anymore. All you need to do is bring up the gifts.” Can anyone remember such a moment?
I realize that what we now refer to as the “Ordinary Form” was gradually introduced. Still, it must have been quite a change for a small boy. Can anyone elaborate?