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HE Rt. Rev’d Dom Hervé Courau, Abbat of Notre Dame de Triors, has authorised Watershed to post the Community’s Gregorian chant recordings on our sites. For this gracious permission, sincere thanks to Father Abbat, also in the name of all those chanters who will profit from studying these beautiful sung prayers of the Church.
Whenever you see “Triors” as part of the filename, know that this audio file is a precious gift from this young and thriving Community which has recorded the Proper chants for the entire liturgical year.
For a wide selection of Triors recordings, see Traditions Monastiques. This web site automatically sends financial support to Triors as it is a cooperative effort of OSB communities run out of Flavigny. They accept both USD and EUR.
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“Crouched by the stream and in a voice broken by sobs and groans, he chanted the service of the dead.” — Account of St. Isaac Jogues singing Gregorian chant after the Martyrdom of St. René Goupil [pdf]
“Upon the road, René was always occupied with God. His words and the discourses he held were all expressive of submission to the commands of Divine Providence, and showed a willing acceptance of the death which God was sending him. He gave himself to God as a sacrifice, to be reduced to ashes by the fires of the Iroquois, which that good Father’s hand would kindle. He sought the means to bless Him in all things and everywhere. Covered with wounds as he himself was, Goupil dressed the wounds of other persons, of the enemies who had received some blows in the fight as well as those of the prisoners. He opened the vein for a sick Iroquois. And he did it all with as much charity as if he had done it to persons who were his best friends.” — St. Isaac Jogues (writing in 1643)
“Goupil deserves the name of martyr not only because he has been murdered by the enemies of God and His Church while laboring in ardent charity for his neighbor, but most of all because he was killed for being at prayer and notably for making the Sign of the Cross” — St. Isaac Jogues (after the martyrdom of Saint René Goupil)
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