My favorite Bible story growing up was definitely David & Goliath. It’s got war, armor, bravado, decapitation, a giant, an underdog, and a slingshot, to boot. It’s simply irresistible.
This popular Scriptural tale is more than all that, though. It’s not just the story of the little guy who gets one up on the big guy. It wasn’t just a singular event that happened once upon a time. Regular people in every time and place have relived the same exact event and slain their own Goliaths.
Many people have done battle with the Goliath of an addiction. Some have prevailed against the Goliath of losing a parent or spouse or child. Still others have overcome the Goliath of pride. I’m even told that parenting a teenager can be like sparring with Goliath.
David’s reckless overestimation of his abilities notwithstanding, he spoke an eternal truth when he addressed his gigantic adversary. After being cursed by the overgrown Philistine (1 Sam 17:43), the young Israelite declared: “The battle is the LORD’s, and He shall deliver you into our hands” (1 Sam 17:47).
Precisely. The battle against Goliath—in every time and place—is the Lord’s. And nothing will be impossible for Him (Luke 1:37).