HILE TEACHING HOW TO SING the Easter Sequence, “Victimae Paschali Laudes,” I had a go at finding the structure of the melody.

More about Sequences from the Catholic Encyclopedia
UPDATE: This version of the Easter Sequence with which we are so familiar is not the full, original composition. There is a verse omitted as hinting at anti-semitic sentiments. This editing was from way back in 1570. The questioned line is:
Credendum est magis soli Mariae veraci Quam Judaeorum Turbae fallaci.
Which translates as: More to be believed is truthful Mary by herself than the deceitful crowd of the Jews.
This would have been placed after “praecedet suos in Galilaeam” and before “Sumus Christum surrexisse” using the same tune as the latter. This article gives a little more detail.