ISHOP FULTON J. SHEEN once talked about a fellow who did a superb job impersonating him. Sheen exclaimed, “Until I heard this young man, I never realized that I began almost every sentence with the words ‘And so’…” I love the various presidential impersonations, especially Vaughn Meader as JFK.
However, I’ve discovered how traumatizing it can be when somebody impersonates you. A reader sent me the following video by Arianne Abela & Colin Britt—and my heart sunk watching it. I kept saying, “Oh no … I do that, too!” The final blow was when the actor says, “There was this one time I sang under Simon Carrington.” 1
I was so depressed when I saw that video. But then I saw another one—by the Vancouver Cantata Singers—and felt much better:
This could go on all day, but here’s one more:
1 My choir can affirm that I’ve often said that, because I did sing under Simon Carrington many years ago. (I will never say that again.)